
Just be smart. In New York City there are places you would not go for safety reasons – it is the same in Ghana (or anywhere else you go!) Know the situation and the people you will be with. Use common sense and the same street smarts you would use in New York.
Keep in mind that everyone thinks you are wealthy because you are from America. If you are not careful, you could end up being taken advantage of or allowing someone not trustworthy into your home.

Petty crimes like pick pocketing are minor problems. Do not walk around alone at night, try to stay in groups. Girls should try not to wear purses that can easily be snatched.
In the residencies there are small safes for all students in all of the closets. The closet doors and actual bedroom doors all lock so you can have double or triple the protection on valuables.

Because of the intense situation of living abroad, you become very close with others on your trip. Sometimes people got too comfortable, and there were sometimes thefts (and “borrows”) within the houses that can be little (DVDs, food), or bigger (money or cell phones). Lock up your stuff and set boundaries!

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